From plate to profit; the Commercial Determinants of Health
3 – 5 October 2024 // Heraklion – Crete, Greece
By 9 August, 161 abstracts had been submitted for this year’s EADPH Congress. The FINAL date for abstract submission has been extended to 20 August 2024. Abstracts submitted after this date will NOT BE CONSIDERED for inclusion in this year’s programme.
Welcome to the 28th EADPH Congress! We are very proud and honoured to host this event in collaboration with the Heraklion Dental Association. The Congress will be held in Heraklion-Crete, Greece, between the 3rd and 5th of October 2024 and its theme is “From plate to profit; the Commercial Determinants of Health”.
The most important scientific developments in Public Dental Health and Oral Health Policy will be presented in light of the World Health Organization’s Strategy on Universal Oral Health Coverage, which also underlines the importance of the Commercial Determinants of Health. Το achieve this, we have invited some of the best speakers from various disciplines, including those outside the dental focus. By providing a high-level, top-quality hybrid congress, we aim to give more professionals worldwide the opportunity to participate actively and broaden their horizons. Together, we can work towards the EADPH goal of promoting health rather than fighting a disease.
Crete combines the Splendour of Minoan Civilisation with the creativity and dynamism of modern Greece. The high scientific level of the EADPH Congress, the beauty of the island, the traditional hospitality, and the warmth of the modern Cretans promise an unforgettable experience. Heraklion is a magnificent city with a rich culture, art, music, architecture, and marvelous cuisine.
We are proud of our hospitality and look forward to showing you around and sharing our history and culture. Take advantage of the opportunity to join us at the 28th EADPH Congress. We hope to see you in Crete!
Dr. Aristomenis I. Syngelakis, Congress Organizer & EADPH Co-President
Maria Tsantidou, Congress co-organizer, EADPH Board Auditor
General & SIG Programme
General Programme Overview of the EADPH 2024 Congress
Titles and agendas for EADPH Special Interest Groups 2024
Abstract Presentations Groups & Guidelines
Click here to go to the
Abstracts Presentations: List of presenters and guidelines
at the official EADPH web page
Welcome message from EADPH’s president
Dear colleagues and dear friends,
I would like to welcome you alongside our hosts Dr Aristomenis Syngelakis and Dr Maria Tsantidou who have kindly organised the 28th EADPH Conference in Crete, Greece.
After the successful conference in Riga, we are looking forward to welcoming you from 3-5th October 2024 in sunny Crete. Our conference theme is ‘From plate to profit; the Commercial Determinants of Health’. The Lancet Commission on Commercial Determinants of Health has highlighted the burden of disease and associated mortality, which can be attributed to four commercial sectors: unhealthy food, tobacco, alcohol and fossil fuels. Three of these commercial sectors have significant impacts on oral health inequalities. One of my personal interests lies in the intersection of sugars and oral and general health.
This is an opportune moment for us in dental public health to fulfil the objectives outlined in the WHO Global Oral Health Action Plan (2020-2030), aiming to safeguard and enhance health outcomes across our communities and populations.
We have an exciting scientific programme with expert speakers in the field who will be stimulating discussions and encouraging us to advocate for impactful public health actions, aiming to enhance health and broader societal outcomes for both current and future generations.
We hope you will join us and we look forward to welcoming you in Heraklion.
Kalos Tous!
Huda Yusuf
President of EADPH
Abstract Submission
(Click here to go to the
Abstract Submission)
Accommodation Options
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for your stay during
the 28th EADPH Congress
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Accommodations page

The Phaistos Disc
Phaistos. c. 1700-1650 BC
The Phaistos Disc is one of the most iconic yet enigmatic artifacts of the Minoan civilization. It was discovered by Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in a room of the Palace of Phaistos on the 3rd of July 1908. It is a clay disc with inscriptions arranged in a spiral pattern. Both sides of the disc were impressed with tiny seals, bearing 241 signs in total, before firing, while the clay was still wet. A vertical line with five dots on the outer edge of each side marks the beginning and the direction of reading of the inscriptions, from the edge of the disc towards the center. The impressed pictograms, often depicting themes drawn from the natural world or material culture, such as people, birds, plants, and ships, are arranged in 61 groups, presumably representing words. These are separated by vertical or radiating incised lines. Due to its uniqueness, the disc is a fascinating object of study, and there have been many attempts to decipher and interpret the text. The repetition of certain groups of signs, like a refrain, is the strongest evidence that the inscription is a hymn or incantation. Experts have not yet reached a definitive conclusion on the contents of the inscription and its possible relationship to the three pre-alphabetic scripts of the prehistoric Aegean, Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyphic, and Linear B.